Following the ever-increasing market of charter boats that prefer Rhodes marina as their base, which can be seen from their constant and ever-increasing presence in the Marina, a significant amount of food and other products have been observed that remain on the boats when they return to marina, after completing their weekly charter. This is why we designed and created the concept (Share & Care 2024) so ​​that part of these unused and well-preserved goods that are maintained intact when the boat returns, are collected in a specially designed area in our facilities every Saturday morning. Adhering to the rules of hygiene, food safety and through strict procedures, we ensure that by our own means the products go to social structures of the city of Rhodes, the orphanage of Rhodes as well as to local organizations that operate with this purpose. This policy is part of our wider corporate social responsibility planning that we implement, reducing the waste of food that would otherwise end up in the trash, indirectly contributing overall to a more sustainable and meaningful operation of professional yachting in our region. It is worth noting that the company is in an advanced stage of planning and publishing a Corporate Social Report (sustainability report) in accordance with the directions of the United Nations Organization to achieve 17 goals by 2030. This action is practically supported by the charter boat management companies that operate in our Marina premises with more than 60 boats for 2024.